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Writing Grants

Man with money

This site contains tips for helping you to write a grant once you've found one to apply for. If you still need to find one, visit Finding Grants.

More Information

Tech & Learning - Funding

This site is designed for teachers, and has various tips on grant writing. - Tips

This site contains lots of information that you will have to sift through about the grant writing process

This site is a resource of many links to information on grant writing.

Grant Writing Tips

The Title  Always create a catchy title. That is the first thing a grant reviewer sees and that is what needs to get their attention. If you are writing a grant for a cordless microphone, a catchy title might go something like this: “to hear or not to be heard”. Use a title that will make them pull your grant out and set it aside with the other ones to review.
Introduction Now that your title has their attention, you now need to paint a picture in their head. Your description should be so vivid that the reader is seeing everything actually happening. They believe reader is seeing everything actually happening. They believe what you are saying. If you can get your writing to turn into spoken words, then you have hooked the reader. You need to clearly share how you will be using the equipment or software. If you will be sharing it with the other team members or other teachers in the school, then they need to know that. How many kids will have their hands on it, using it? Funders don’t want to pay for a new toy for the teacher, but they will fund a tool for students. The more students use it, the better. So make sure that you explain who will be using it. If your words don’t paint a picture, then you have already lost.
Core Relevance How does this software or item help you and your students teach/learn the core that you are teaching to them? Share a story about how your students struggle with this core item and how this new equipment will help your students understand it better.
Budget Always include a detailed, itemized budget. They want to know where all of the money is going. Make sure there are no taxes on the budget since you are buying it through the school and schools don’t pay taxes. You will need to include a quantity, name, description, unit price, and total price on each line item. Then you will need to include sub-totals, shipping, and the grand total.
Review Have several people read your grant to see if they understand it. They will find errors that you have overlooked, and may also give you new ideas that you might want to include.
Example Click on the links below to download an example of a grant
Grant Example – PDF
Grant Example – Word


How does this software or item help you and your students teach/learn the core that you are teaching to them? Share a story about how your students struggle with this core item and how this new equipment will help your students understand it better.
Last Updated: 9/1/21